Smart Learning Functionality Drillster
A license to the Drillster learning app provides access to the smart learning functionality. Please find below an overview of all features that are available with a Drillster license. Some features come at an additional cost. All functionality has been grouped in the following 7 categories.
Content creation
1. Learning
- Drillster Authoring Tool
- create stories with text, images, video, sound, pdf
- create drills (assessment-based adaptive learning exercises)
- question types:
- multiple choice
- multiple selection
- sequence (drag and drop)
- sequence open ended
- hotspot (interactive image)
- open-ended
- fill-in-the-blank multiple choice
- fill-in-the-blank open ended
- Supported media in questions, answers, feedback and context: images, MathML, video, pdf documents, sound, text-to-speech conversion.
- create question variants (mark questions as equivalent)
- add feedback, shown after a correct answer
- add feedback, shown after an incorrect answer
- add context to individual questions
- assign co-authors to content
- release updates of stories, drills and/or tests/exams (version management)
- reset score on a specific question after a content change (optional)
- notify users of content changes (optional)
- automatic content improvement suggestions (drills and stories)
- add a cover to learning object
- add an icon to learning object
- activate/deactivate introductions drill (flashcard functionality)
- Introduction settings:
- always show
- never show
- let learner choose
- auto advance, evaluate each answer or let the learner decide
- set learning direction drills:
- productive
- receptive
- productive and receptive (or let the learner choose)
- set a time limit on questions
- enable read-aloud (additional cost)
- convert text-to-speech
- add tags to a drill
- add tags to individual question(s)
- e-mail notifications:
- creation of Drillster account
- user added to/disconnected from a group
- content added to/disconnected from a group
- learning objective set
- content change
- customized email notifications (additional charge)
- mobile app notifications (iOS and Android)
- push API notifications (additional charge)
2. Tests, digital exams, assessments
- Test Authoring Tool (test matrix), define:
- the total number of questions per test
- the number of questions per subtopic in a test
- the number of questions per drill and the weight of these questions
- if the question selection and filtering is based on question tags
- the order of questions and answer options (fixed or random)
- the result disclosure (overall score, score per subtopic, overview of correct/incorrect answers, feedback to answers, etc.)
- the way to calculate the result (test score transformations)
- the possibilities for question navigation
- if a test can be submitted with or without unanswered questions
- the time limits for questions
- the time limits for the test.
- supported test formats:
- diagnostic test
- PIN secured exam
- adaptive test
- practice exams
- timed tests
- create tests for use without Drillster account (at additional cost)
- read aloud functional (additional charge)
- test questions in fixed or random order
- test transformers: define how the test result is being calculated
- Test result display: passed/not passed, including score, sub score, showing questions/answer options, feedback, etc.
- Access tests/exams via e-mail/access URL, access code or QR code
3. Courses
- create courses: combine stories with drills, and define the course flow
- define order of learning objects
- combine several drills per step: create practice sets
Instructional design services
- creation of drills, stories, tests and/or courses by Drillster instructional designers (additional charge)
- review of existing content by Drillster instructional designers (additional charge)
- creation of videos, images, icons, covers by Drillster (additional charge)
- translation and localization of content (additional charge)
- translation, localization, production of subtitles for videos (additional charge)
User management
- create user account
- set language of user account
- change language or user account
- create admin account
- define permissions for admin or content creator account
- create super admin user account
- create service account (for system integrations)
- delete user account, admin account or content creator account
Content distribution
- create group
- add user to group
- add content to group
- disconnect user from group
- disconnect content from the group
- create catalog
- add user to catalog
- add content to catalog
- disconnect user from catalog
- disconnect content from catalog
- set automatic disconnection from group or catalog
- fixed after x months or x year(s)
- at fixed date of the year
- define time slot during which tests/exams are open for participants
- access group via QR code, access code or a temporary or permanent access link
- set one-off learning challenge on drills or courses
- set permanent learning challenge on drills or courses
- set target date on tests/exams
- define time slot for making a test/exam
- define number of test/exam attempt
- send notifications via
- mobile app
- customer LMS
- custom notifications (additional charge)
- set objective date for test completion
- SCORM 1.2 (additional charge)
- LTI 1.1, 1.3 (additional charge)
Learner experience (player)
- System requirements Drillster web application:
- System requirements Drillster mobile app:
- activate read aloud (additional cost)
- set/change language of the Drillster application (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Catalan, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish)
- accessibility web application:
- navigate with keyboard keys
- compatibility with screen readers
- read-aloud (additional charge)
- combine multiple drills in a practice set (mobile app)
- calculation of the forgetting curve
- Set Light or Dark appearance
- dashboard and reporting (Drillster web and mobile apps)
- Mobile iOS and Android app:
- QR access code scanner
- detection of ‘nearby’ drills (iBeacon)
- Haptic feedback
- local authentication: fingerprint or facial recognition
- play sound effects after incorrect answer
- shake the mobile device to get hint in case you don’t know the right answer
- enable/disable automatic language detection
- Drills:
- current proficiency
- highest attained proficiency
- future proficiency
- time spent
- easy/difficult questions
- question statistics report
- drill-test correlation report
- challenge evaluation report
- Tests:
- test result
- pass/not pass information
- test result transformers (set your own way of calculating and displaying the test result)
- display of correct/incorrect answers
- correlation report
- Download in Excel, .csv or pdf
- exchange test completed results via the Drillster API
- Single sign-on (additional charge)
- OAuth
- OpenID Connect
- Microsoft Azure
- Okta
- native API integration (additional charge)
- user management
- reporting
- push API, including retry mechanism
- embeddable widgets
- SCORM (additional charge)
- LTI (additional charge)