Drillster Support & Info



This feature allows you to create a printout of any of your digital tests. This allows you to create a printout version of a digital test as a backup and keep it in case for any reason the Drillster online service should be unavailable due to, for example, an interruption of the Drillster service, local wifi issues, or laptop problems. If test candidates have come to the test location, they would then normally not be able to take the digital exam and would have to be rescheduled for another day. This is undesirable. In such a case, having a copy of the digital test in the closet may be a solution.

Printing out a digital test for offline use

Paper tests are composed in the same way as digital tests. However, certain questions will not be supported, such as questions with video or an audio clip. If these types of questions are included in a test, it will be indicated when the test is created that it contains questions that are not suitable for offline use. In case the audio or video is not relevant for answering the question, the pdf document of the test can still be printed. If the audio or video is relevant for answering the question, then please define a new test that does not contain questions that cannot be answered offline.

Not Supported.png

Generating a paper test

Being able to create a document that can be printed for answering a test offline is not a standard functionality. If you want to use the functionality to create paper-based tests, log into your Drillster account and go to your Manage → Tests page.
Click on the 3 dots (Options) to generate paper-based tests. Make pape based.png

The printout includes:

  • the document on which the participant can put his data and the answers,
  • an answer sheet for the examiner. This can be used to check the test taken by the candidate, and
  • an evaluation sheet. This makes it possible to see which questions were answered correctly or incorrectly by the candidate and to calculate the final grade.
    You have the option to set 'Test taker is allowed to continue online' to No.

Evaluate paper test online

The option is offered to finish a paper test online later, or to have the results saved online. In this case a QR code is printed on the paper test.

If the option 'complete test online' is set to 'no', this option is not available and no QR code is printed on the test.

Candidate data

There are two options for entering candidate data:

  • When creating the paper test. This can only be done if you know in advance which candidate is going to take the specific paper test, or
  • You leave the candidate data blank. This is the function you can use if you do not know in advance which candidate will take the paper test. If the paper test is issued to a candidate, they can enter their name and/or reference number (personnel ID) on the paper test document.

    Make paper test.png

    After generating the paper-based test, you can download the test from the Reports page.

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