Drillster Support & Info

Migrating your drills to a new LMS

Are you migrating to a new Learning Management System? If you use Drillster within your current LMS (SCORM and/or native integration with the Drillster player and API) and if you plan to migrate to a new one, then we recommend to carefully plan the migration. This to avoid that your users have no longer access to the Drillster learning objects. 

This document describes how we can help you to guarantee a smooth migration from your current to your new LMS. 


What is important to know?

If you use SCORM or an API integration, then the Drillster system creates user account based on the information that your LMS provides. This includes: 

  • the first name of the user
  • the last name of the user
  • a third party ID (unique ID that identifies the user in your current LM)
  • an email address (optional). 

In most cases, the email address information is not provided through the LMS connection, so the users that Drillster has in its systems, are identified on the basis of the unique third party ID of your current LMS. 

When starting to use your new LMS with new SCORM packages or a new API connection for the existing Drillster learning objects, then your new LMS will most certainly use different unique user IDs than the user IDs that were used by your former LMS. 

As a consequent, when users try to continue their drills in the new LMS, the Drillster system will not be able to recognize the user on the basis of the new unique user ID and will create a new Drillster account. The user will get access to the drill content, but will not see his or her learning content. Also, the new user accounts will automatically be put on the invoice. This is not desired. 


How can we ensure that users can continue to use their existing Drillster account? 

The following actions can ensure that users can continue to use their existing Drillster account and that their learning history remains accessible. It also ensures that no double accounts are created for the same user and that no additional license costs are incurred. 

  1. Drillster provides an authorized person of your organization a list of all the Drillster account holders that are registered under your Drillster license. This list includes also the 3th party IDs of your current LMS.
  2. We request you to add the unique identifier of the new LMS to the existing information. See the below example:

User name

email address (if available)

3rd party ID old LMS

new 3rd party ID new LMS

John Doe




  1. When you provide Drillster the list with the above-mentioned information, then we can add the new user ID to the existing account information. 

Once that’s done, the Drillster system will be able to identify an existing Drillster account holder that logs onto a Drillster learning object via the new LMS. 


What happens if we do not coordinate the migration to your new LMS?

When the unique user IDs of the new LMS are not added to the existing Drillster accounts of your employees or students, the following will happen:   

  • All your users will get a new Drillster account. 
  • Your users will no longer have access to historically realized proficiency in the drills or test scores. 
  • When a user has double accounts, we cannot merge these accounts. 
  • Also, all the new accounts will be on the invoice. 


How can we help you? 

If you migrate to a new LMS, and you upload SCORM packages of existing drills, courses or tests to your new LMS, then you will get an error message. 

Your new LMS first needs to be registered under your Drillster license. Please contact support@drillster.com to coordinate this. 

Drillster has helped many of its customers with the migration to a new LMS. We can make a scope of the work that Drillster has to carry out in order to ensure that your existing Drillster account holders can continue to use their drills and courses without losing access and without losing historic data. Based on the definition of the scope, we can quotation for the work involved. Please contact us at support@drillster.com for more information. 

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