You can create different types of tests within Drillster, read more about the adaptive test and the normal test here. Tests can have different purposes. They can formative and summative. Click on the two ways below and read more about when to use each.
The difference between the summative test and the formative test seems to be very vague. In practice it is often the case that a formative test can also be considered summative. Because the different formative tests that you usually make over a certain period of time do have an end point, this can be the last formative test. In many cases, the formative test can be used as a summative test and determine your final grade or result. This does not work the other way around. Summative tests can't be considered formative because then you would be assuming that after the summative test, someone continues learning about the theme or subject, though the test is an end point on the subject matter. .