Drillster Support & Info

Challenge notifications

There is a difference in the notifications for a on-off challenge and a permanent challenge. If you want to learn the difference between these two challenges, click here.

Below the difference in notifying for a one-off and for a permanent challenge goal is explained. 

One-off challenge

Example: on 1 June, a learning goal is set to achieve 100% on a set of drills. For this, the participant has 10 weeks for it. After achieving the 100% score they may drop to 80%. If the participant goes to work immediately and has the drills at 100% within a few days, then the participant does not receive notification in the initial period. This participant only receives a message at the moment that they drop below 80% before the review date.

Another participant does nothing in the first 9 weeks. This participant gets a reminder message to come back to Drillster and continue to learn after the given interval period. The next message depends on the given interval period. The notification stops at the review date.

Permanent challenge
With a permanent challenge, it is equal to the situation of the one-off learning goal. Here the challenge will continue after review date. After that date, you maintain the desired level. So if you drop below 80%, you get a notification to come back. The reminder notification frequency depends on the interval set in the challenge.  learning-objective_201123.png
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