Drills can be edited in different ways.
The drill information can be directly edited in the details box.
The name of the drill should be stated in this field.
Example: Integrity Awareness -
The branch of knowledge studied should be make clear in this field.
Example: Integrity -
Use this field to give a brief explination of the subject, requirements and expectations.
Example: When does an organization or person act with integrity? -
Tags are keywords that will make it easier to search a drills in Library or My Content.
Example: integrity finance ethics business -
The language affects the potential publication of the drill in the Drill store. By using the language that is set, a Drillster user will be able to find the drill faster. If you do not publish the drill in the Drill store, the choice of language has no influence on the drill. -
The cover is visible to the users when opening the drill for practice.
Ideal dimensions: 2560X1440 (ratio 16:9) -
The icon is visible next to Drill title in the Library and My Content.
Ideal dimensions: 512X512 (ratio 1:1)
Here are some settings which can be set for the complete drill.
Some of these settings are: Text-to-speech, Answer time limit, Practice direction and Default question type.
Below are some information for the complete drill settings.
Show introductions: By choosing this option, the learner will always get an introduction which includes the answer and short description. The introduction will only be shown when the question is being asked for the first time.
Don't show introductions: Introductions will not be shown.
Let the learner decide: The learner can choose whether to show introductions or not when starting the drill. The practice settings is a standard settings for users in Drillster.
Attention! Introductions are revelant when learners are not familiar with the subject. When a learner has received all the information from a course, book, or video then the introductions can be supressed. Drillster will then immediately start with questions.
Continue immediately on correct answer: The 'next' button appears automatically as soon as the user has given the correct answer and can proceed immediately to the next question. When there is no feedback, it will then go automatically to the next question.
Evaluate each answer: This means that this drill always requires clicking on the 'answer' button to submit your answer and then clicking on the 'next' button before the next question is shown.
Let the learner decide: The learner can choose whether the feedback should be shown or skipped after a correct answer is given.
When the learner unchecks the setting, the learner would have to click on 'answer' button after providing the answer to perpetuate it and afterwards on 'next' to get the following question.
When the learner leaves this settings checked, the learner would only have to click on 'next' to get the following question.
When this option is enabled, the end-user can have the content of the drill converted to speech in player.
After this option is enabled, you can select the language for which the text will be read aloud. For example if you choose Spanish, a text in English will be read in english with a Spanish accent. However a number will be read in Spanish. If you want to listen to the different voices that are available, click here.
When the user clicks on the ear in the player, the text will be read aloud. In the player settings the user can choose between male or female voice, speed and accent.
Attention! You can only get this feature if you have the proper permission. Don't have this permission? Please contact support@drillster.com.
This sets a limit in which the participant has to answer the question. Think, for example, of questions about the 1 to 10 times table, whereby the participant has a certain time limit.
This shows the amount of alternatives per question. This can also be set separately per question. If you set this to 'max', Drillster will only look at the alternatives if present with this question. If you don't have any alternatives, Drillster will only show the correct answer.
If you set the drill to 4 answer options, and the question contains only 2 alternatives, Drillster randomly extracts an answer option from another question.
No practice restrictions: In this case the drill can be practiced productively and receptively. The user reproduces what has been learned (productively) and recognizes (receptively). Drillster shows elements from both the 'answer field' and the 'question field'.
Receptive practicing only: Recognize what you have learned. Drillster shows information from the 'answer field' after which the user chooses the correct answer or fills in the 'question field'.
Productive practicing only: Reproduce what you've learned. Drillster shows information from the 'question field' after which the user chooses the correct answer or fills in the 'answer field'.
Question type can be set here: open questions, multiple-choice questions, or questions the user sets themselves. For example, think of vocabulary lists that a participant has to learn.
The first thing you can do is set which arbiter should be used for the open questions. Do you want to learn more about arbiters? Then click here.
The following are available on the drill bar;
Document statistics: The number of questions, distinct varietires and effective number of questions are stated here.
Content enhancement: Questions that require inspection due to settings or format are stated here.
View: Tags, context and feedback can be checked to be shown/hiden. -
Hotspot images, formatting, edit history and night mode can be set in the Main Menu on the left hand side of the drill.
Hotspot Images In order to use a hotspot image in a question, you can upload the image first through the main menu or when creating the hotspot question.
Upload an image and edit it by selecting the areas within the image or drawing around it. After editing the image, you can indicate the correct answers (areas) so participants can click on the correct answers in the image. Want to know more about the hot spot question? Then click here.
In the formatting field you can select whether you want to add; bulletpoints, superscript or subscript in the text, and a fill in the blank line for multiple choice or open ended questions.
After selecting the question type in order to create the question, can change this to any other question type. Note that when the question type is changed the answer should match the question type. Example, multiple choice options do not fit an open ended question. Do you want to know which types of questions there are? You can find that out here.
A time limit can be set on the question, if this has not been set for the entire drill already in advanced settings. If this has been done for the entire drill for 10 seconds and a particular question is set on 5 second, the user will get only 5 second to answer that particular question while 10 seconds to answer the rest.
Tags linked to a question can later be used to add particular questions with this tag to the test.
As mentioned above in point two, make sure that the answer matches the question type.
a) Multiple choice questions have one correct answer.
b) Selection questions have more than one correct answer.
c) Sequence questions are drag and drop in the correct order type of question.
d) Open ended questions can have more than one correct answer and validation can be set based on the requirements.
e) Hotspot questions can have more than one correct answer. Make sure to select all answers required when there is more than one correct answer.