Drillster Support & Info

Drill Settings

Drills can be edited in different ways.

Details Settings Extra Features Per Question

The drill information can be directly edited in the details box.


    1. TITLE
      The name of the drill should be stated in this field.
      Example: Integrity Awareness
    2. SUBJECT
      The branch of knowledge studied should be make clear in this field.
      Example: Integrity
      Use this field to give a brief explination of the subject, requirements and expectations.
      Example: When does an organization or person act with integrity?
    4. TAGS
      Tags are keywords that will make it easier to search a drills in Library or My Content.
      Example: integrity  finance  ethics  business
      The language affects the potential publication of the drill in the Drill store. By using the language that is set, a Drillster user will be able to find the drill faster. If you do not publish the drill in the Drill store, the choice of language has no influence on the drill.
    6. COVER
      The cover is visible to the users when opening the drill for practice.
      Ideal dimensions: 2560X1440 (ratio 16:9)
    7. ICON
      The icon is visible next to Drill title in the Library and My Content.
      Ideal dimensions: 512X512 (ratio 1:1)
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