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Introduction creating content

When you are creating content, you can use three different elements: a drill, a story or a test. If you want to put these together, you can do that by creating a course, but what are these different elements and when do you use them? 

drill is a set of questions about one specific subject. A drill is used if you want to teach information about this subject to a learner.  

Through asking questions, the learner will learn the learning elements that are determined for this subject. Answering questions will raise the proficiency of the learner. When the learner has a proficiency of 100%, you can assume the learner knows the information they need to know. The proficiency will drop over time, which means the learner needs to revisit the learning elements in order to keep their proficiency high enough. 

To make sure you create a drill in a way that the learner will learn the correct information, you can use the 10 drill design principles. These explain what you have to think about when creating a good drill. Do you want to take writing great questions to the next level? Click here

Drillster is an adaptive application that uses assessment based learning. Assessment based learning makes sure that the learner is processing the information actively, gains knowledge and retains knowledge. Asking questions does not mean that a drill is the same as a test. A learner answers different questions about different learning elements within one subject. By reading the answers and the direct feedback that follows, the learner will learn what the correct information is and why. Want to know more about the correct use of feedback? Click here. It does not matter whether the learner makes mistakes. It is about learning, not verifying that the learner has the expected knowledge. The more the learner is actively answering the questions, the better they will learn the information and the less mistakes they will make in the future.  

To motivate learners to practice a drill more actively, it can be useful to add context or relevance around the need-to-know information that is presented in the drill. This can be done by creating a story

A story can be used in many different ways. The need-to-know information is presented in a drill, but a story can be used to create flow before, after and even between drills. 

A test is a set of questions about a theme with different subjects. If you want to check if a learner knows the information that you present at one specific moment in time, you can use a test.  

Pay attention, the score of a drill will also let you know if a learner knows the information that is presented. Additionally, the algorithm of Drillster will make sure the proficiency of the learner will not decrease over time with the forgetting curve of the learner. With the proficiency of the learner being monitored, you can see how this proficiency changes over time and when the learner practices the drill again. A test does not use this algorithm and shows you the proficiency of the learner at one specific moment in time. 

When you want to combine stories and drills together and create a good flow, you can create a course. Within the course, you can edit the order of the stories and drills in the desired way. This way, you can create the best learning effect and subsequently the best results for the learner. 
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