Drillster Support & Info

My content

In the 'My Content' section of Drillster there are many different functions available. You can of course create content for drills, stories, courses and tests, but you can do a lot more with your content. The different options are explained below and you can find more information per section in the articles referred to. Do you still have questions after reading the articles? Mail to support@drillster.com, we are happy to help!

You can first create and upload new content in the section 'My content'. 

More information about creating the different components can be found in the following articles: 

After you have created content you can find it in the overview. Within 'My content' you can filter to different components. Also you can choose list view or tile view. In the image below indicates where you can find the filter and the display.


If you want to change the content of a story or a drill, click on 'edit'. If you click on the part itself, you will be taken to the detailed overview of the component.

In 'My content' you can do different actions with the different components that you have created and see in the overview. Below the image explains what this means for each part and is linked to the article in which this is further explained.


Compile drill

You can compile a new drill based on two or more existing drills. Select the drills you want to use and click compile drill, then a new drill is created, with all the questions from the last saved versions of these drills.

You can also create a new drill based on tags. When you do this, you get specific questions from different drills and create a new one. Read here more about assembling drills based on tags.

Note that the questions in the new drill are a copy of the original. If you need to make any changes to the question, you submit that do both drills.
You can make a copy of a drill. By doing this, you get a copy in 'my content' that has not been released.
Create cheat sheet
A cheat letter is a printout of the drill in Word or PDF. In the cheat sheet you see the questions, answers and feedback. You can use this if you makes a drill together with colleagues and you don't want this person changes to the content makes. 
Add content to groups or course
From 'my content' you can add content to a course
You also have the possibility to add content to a group, or more groups, add.
You can use this to co-author create of the content.
Change owner
This function allows you to change the owner of the content. change. For example, someone from outside the organization may have  has created the content, so the name of the author would then be designated as owner.


If you forward a drill to someone, that person will receive a copy of your drill. The receiver will receive this drill on their notification screen. Before adjustments can be made to this be downloaded first. The drill will then be ready in 'My content'. 
Note: if the receiver makes adjustments in the drill, they will not be changed. implemented in the original drill. To do this, you should use co-authors.
Publish (catalog + Drillstore)
Content new part content
Define a test 
From a drill, or drills, you can compose a test. Would you like to to know more about it, please click hier.
If your content is deleted, and you are the only author, then the content is completely gone. Are there more co-authors registered on the drill, then you only delete yourself as author. 
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